Help Center / Chat

Chat Filters

WzapChat provides a variety of chat filters to help you manage chats efficiently.

These filters allow you to quickly filter and access chats based on different pre-defined criteria such as status, assignment, labels, ownership, chat type and more.

This article explains how each chat filter works and how to use them.


This category includes filters for all chats.

Filter Description
All All active and pending chats, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Pending Unassigned and pending chats, excluding those sent via API, blocked, archived, or deleted.
Unread Chats with unread messages.
Resolved Chats that have been resolved.
Favorite Chats marked as favorite, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Waiting Chats where the customer has recently sent a message and is waiting for a reply, with no recent outbound messages from the agent.
Unreplied Active or pending chats that have not yet received a reply from an agent.
Auto-replied Chats that have received an automatic reply.
Auto-assigned Chats that have been automatically assigned to an agent.
Assigned Chats assigned to an agent, excluding blocked and archived chats.
Unassigned Chats that are unassigned, excluding blocked and archived chats.
Pinned Pinned chats, excluding blocked and archived chats.
Archived Chats that have been archived.
Restricted Chats with restricted access.
Hidden Chats where the phone number is hidden or the chat ID ends with '@lid'.
Ads Chats initiated from an advertisement.
Deleted Chats that have been deleted or removed.
Blocked Chats that have been blocked.
Muted Muted chats, excluding archived and blocked chats.

My Chats

This category includes filters for chats assigned to you.

Filter Description
All All active and pending chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Unread Active and pending chats assigned to you that have unread messages, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Waiting Chats assigned to you where the customer is waiting for a reply, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Unreplied Active and pending chats assigned to you that have not received a reply, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Auto-assigned Active and pending chats that were automatically assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Resolved Resolved chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Deleted Deleted chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Blocked Blocked chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Muted Muted chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Groups Group chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Pinned Pinned chats assigned to you, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Favorite Your favorite chats, excluding archived and blocked chats.

Unassigned chats

This category includes filters for unassigned chats.

Filter Description
All All active and pending unassigned chats, excluding resolved, archived, and blocked chats.
Unread Unassigned active and pending chats with unread messages.
Unreplied Unassigned active and pending chats that have not received a reply.
Auto-replied Unassigned active and pending chats that have received an automatic reply.
Auto-assigned Unassigned active and pending chats that have been automatically assigned.
Never Assigned Unassigned active and pending chats that have never been assigned to an agent.
Previously Assigned Unassigned active and pending chats that were previously assigned to an agent.
Previously Mine Unassigned active and pending chats that were previously assigned to you.
Waiting Unassigned active and pending chats where the customer is waiting for a reply.
Resolved Unassigned chats that have been resolved.
Archived Unassigned chats that have been archived.
Deleted Unassigned chats that have been deleted.
Muted Unassigned chats that have been muted.


This category includes filters for group chats.

Filter Description
All All active and pending group chats.
Active All active group chats.
Unread Group chats with unread messages.
Owned Group chats that you own (not read-only).
Mine Group chats assigned to you.
Inactive Inactive or read-only group chats.
Communities Group chats that are communities (announcement-only groups).
Communities Mine Communities that you own or manage.
Assigned Group chats assigned to an agent.
Unassigned Group chats that are unassigned.
Pinned Pinned group chats, excluding blocked and archived chats.
Labeled Group chats that have labels.
Unlabeled Group chats without labels.
Muted Muted group chats.
Favorite Your favorite group chats.
Archived Archived group chats.
Deleted Deleted group chats.


This category includes filters for channels.

Filter Description
All All active and pending channels.
Active All active channels.
Unread Channels with unread messages.
Mine Channels that you manage (not read-only).
Following Channels you are following (read-only).


This category includes filters related to labels.

Filter Description
All All chats with labels.
None Chats without any labels.


This category includes filters for organizing chats by department assignment.

Note: Deparments is only available in Business and Enterprise plans.
Filter Description
All Displays all active and pending chats across every department, excluding archived and blocked chats.
Any Displays chats that are assigned to any department, without filtering by a specific one.
My departments Displays chats assigned to departments that you belong to.
No department Displays chats that have not been assigned to any department.
$department Displays chats assigned to a specific department.


This category includes filters for campaign-related chats.

Filter Description
All All chats associated with campaigns.
Unread Campaign chats with unread messages.
Assigned Campaign chats that are assigned to an agent.
Unassigned Campaign chats that are unassigned.
Others Campaign chats assigned to other agents.
Mine Campaign chats assigned to you.
Unreplied Campaign chats that have not received a reply.
Resolved Campaign chats that have been resolved.
Unsubscribed Campaign chats where the user has unsubscribed.


This category includes filters related to agents.

Filter Description
All All chats assigned to agents.
Invalid Chats assigned to invalid agents (agents who are no longer available).

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